1. Collect yourself with a moment of silence or a brief prayer, then read the following passage slowly and, if possible, aloud. Follow the movement of your own spirit as it draws you to the specific nugget.

2. Focused mental reflection- In this stage you quietly allow your faculties—your reason, your imagination, your memory and your emotions—to begin to work with the passage. You can role play one of the characters.

3. Prayer- If feelings arise in you out of this heart-to-heart encounter with scripture, let the feelings happen. Sit with them quietly and see if they want to shape themselves into a prayer. Prayer in The Spirit allowing The Holy Spirit to settle on (enrapture) you. If this doesn’t happen don’t force it.

4. Rest in The Lord quieting your thinking processes (Psalm 131)

5. Repeat the process at least twice or three times.

2 Tim 3:15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.